Prophetic Words
Take 5 with Barry Wunsch: The Canadian Hammer

Take 5 with Barry Wunsch: The Canadian Hammer

May 15, 2024

So Barry...you know, how do I explain Barry to you when you're with him in person? You can feel when the hand of God is on somebody. With Barry, you can actually see it. When stuff comes through Barry, when he hears the word of the Lord, he literally, it takes him all over. He shakes. And it's pretty amazing. And I've been with him when he's heard from the Lord a couple of times and everything he told me has come true. So it's pretty wild.

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So Barry once is a man who has been gifted with a gift of prophecy. He's also a consultant. He has a father's heart and a love for family and community, bringing words of hope, restoration, healing to many. Barry has a deep love for Canada and has the heart of a reformer. I may ask him to sing O Canada a little later on just because it's cool.

Barry brings words for individuals and regions as a prophetic voice for Canada and the world I'm going to add that, throughout social media. He ministers prophetically in meetings locally, regionally, across Canada. And why I appreciate Barry is because a lot of times what happens in California, Australia, or Canada first, then happens down here. So he kind of gives us a heads up.

Barry was born and raised in Central Alberta, residing in Red Deer, Alberta. He's married to Judy and is a proud father of two sons who I'd like to meet someday.

The worst warfare I've ever been in.

I'm going to see you in a couple of days. Aren't you coming down to Texas for the revival on Saturday? We are, and I couldn't be more excited. We actually have a few coming in with us.

I know the Lord's been speaking to you lately. And I want to hear what he's got to say. Tell me what He's been saying.

Well, Chris, I haven't shared this publicly yet. Actually, just over the last, I guess the 11th,May 1st and the 11th, the Lord took me into some things, and He said, share it on His Glory when you're on. So May 29th, we're down in Ontario. We're running around doing some meetings in Kingston, which was Canada's first capital, and Ottawa, which is Canada's capital. Anyway, the 29th and, you know, 30, I mean, I kept hearing. 29th of May or 29th of April? May, May. And I kept hearing the words Sharia law. Sharia law, Sharia law. And, you know, we jumped on the train from Kingston to Ottawa, again, loud and clear.

So we're riding on the train and I'm just, you know, we're on there and I'm praying and just, you know, listening and praying. And as I prayed on the train, the father took me in and he gave me a glimpse of, it was a council of Muslim leaders that had, we're getting together.

Now, So I'm literally kind of in this room where these guys are meeting. And I didn't understand the language.

You know, it kind of actually sounded a bit edgy and harsh and angry. It had that edge on it. Very passionate, I guess maybe would be the word. But, you know, by the spirit of God, I knew what they were talking about. And anyway, it was very clear, Chris, that they were, you know, well acquainted with one another. And they'd been working on things together for a very long, long time. Now, as they gathered, it consisted, there were high level militant, Islam leaders from across the nations. And there were associated leaders gathering with them from around the world. And they were being briefed from insider undercover operatives from within governmental and military ranks.

Now, this is different because this is as far as the Lord took me on May 1st. And so anyway, as I started interceding, you know, this is on May 11th, which was just a few days ago. The Lord wakes me up at three o'clock in the morning, not 301, not, you know, 255, three o'clock in the morning. I wake up and his presence was so heavy, you know, on me in my room, but it wasn't, that there was a seriousness, there was a soberness, there was a weight that was there with him. And I mean, he was wanting to get to business. And so as I'm, you know, I'm starting to intercede, you know, trying to pay attention, just like he did on May 1st, he took me back into that same encounter that I had on the train. But this time, he started right at the beginning, took me in with more detail, and I guess even maybe a little more understanding, and he took me deeper. So I'm sitting there in this, you know, meeting leaders and these militant Islamic folks. And I knew by this spirit that they had also paid off officials all along the way to get the intelligence, the insight, and cooperation from some of these governmental and military leaders that they needed to make their nefarious plans and carry them out. Now, there were others that they blackmailed to control and use them to extract intelligence that they needed.

As well, they used some of these officials from within the system to bury information or just make it go away from inside these governmental and, I'm going to say, agencies that If they made it go away, it would be able to stop anything that would impede them or any retaliation against them. So I saw the complexity of their network. And from what I saw, there was not one level of government that they had not infiltrated. Now they were a very highly organized group. They weren't fooling around. That was very clear. And then, you know, I find myself, the Lord took me into the spirit and I was taken around the world, kind of like a satellite, but fast. And I was shown different, you know, he'd pause and he showed me different maps of the nations, some in more detail than others. And I saw highlighted different places where Sharia law was, was already set up throughout nations. Many running behind closed doors under the radar. I mean, so I'm trying to take this all in. And so as the Lord took me in showing me these maps and showing me the nations, he highlighted me Iran, Syria, Russia, China, and North Korea.

Now, these nations, Chris, as I saw them, they were pitch black, like they were covered in darkness. I mean, as black as black could be. I mean, they were like black coal, and there wasn't one speck of light in them. So clearly, they had an evil alliance together. Now each of these nations have their own motives and their own positions and somewhat similar agendas, but they were all had come to a point where they were collaborating their resources to hit Israel and to hit the West with all that they had. So, I mean, it was dark. Lord takes me in a little further and he takes me to Israel, Canada and the USA.

And I saw that now these nations were not dark,  but I did see that the enemy had infiltrated these nations as well on every level. Now I saw cells of evil militants planned and positioned to bring great harm against these nations, Israel, Canada, US, and basically Western civilization as a whole. Now, they were collaborating schedules, dates for their attempts to roll out strikes and they were ramping things up against Israel and the West. Now, this wasn't a one and done plan, but strike after strike, blow after blow to advance their cause.

Now, they're in this room, these folks in their meeting, and they have Biden on speakerphone and Trudeau on speed dial.

Now, these were not the only international high-level leaders that they were collaborating with, there were others. But Chris, I'm looking at this again, trying to get into my spirit. I was taken up again in the spirit where I saw global principalities dancing together and they were intertwining. And like we know what an angelic host looks like and what that's about. But anyway, this was intense. So anyway, I knew that that time working alone was in the past. They were coming together as allies in an open way to come against the kingdom of God. Regardless of their union, they would still fall short and they would be defeated. I was showing this completely dark, demonic, evil alliance coming together between Islam, communism, and the occult practices of the globalist regime. I mean, the levels of collaboration, you know, they were offering was staggering now. So, yeah. We only have a half-hour show today, Barry, and what you just started talking about, we've got to finish this and do a part two, because we've got a minute left. I don't know if you know this about me, but I've spent 20 years working on and off the border, and I just did a movie with Tom Holman, Trump's right-hand guy, and what we were seeing coming across the border is what we've been afraid of. It plays what you're talking into. I also worked closely with some guys out of the DOD that did a task force after 2008 Hamas Holy Land financial, Holy Land terrorism trial. And what we found out in doing that was people that they were still investigating, people that are unindicted co-conspirators, some people that work with CARE, were people that were more bad guys they wanted to go after. And when Obama came in, he cut all that off. You're not going to investigate them. We're not going to FDIs. And then he gave them jobs in our government as diversity instructors, as...


So so here's the deal, Barry. This is just we need we need to just follow up on this because we're just we're simply out of time now. And we should be getting started. We're already over. Give me the last minute what we need to be aware of until we can get back and finish the show and do a part two.

Well, I will say this, that I did see the Lord was hitting them hard with his angel armies coming in against them. And I saw the prayers of millions having great effect. And I saw the impact of white hats, Donald J. Trump, other godly leaders hitting them hard and backing them into the corner. the Lord was clearly dealing with things. And in that, the Lord spoke to me and he gave me a word. He said, Barry, tell my people that the wait is soon to be over. There's a catalyst coming that will open things up. And the tipping point is nearly upon you. Freedom is coming, do not fear. And I mean, there's more to that word, Chris, but if we're short of time, I think we should maybe respect that.

[Chris] I will say we should have done an hour for this show for what we're getting to. I will tell you this. I've run into one of the top Muslim Brotherhood operators in this country. And I stayed close to him. Just let him talk for months and months. There came a point where he knew who my wife and I were and just how close we were connected to God. All I can say is while we're going through this, stay prayed up. Because when you meet someone that's coming here for nefarious purposes and tries to... I'm not saying this about all Muslim folks. I had my life saved in Africa and Kenya by a Muslim ranger named Abdi. I would do anything in my world to save that young man. He was an incredible guy. But there are people that have infiltrated this country to take this country down. And one thing they can't stand up to is the light. So if you see one of these people... Fill yourself with the Holy Spirit. Say a prayer. Start praying for them. Because when you start praying for them, what happened to me? They started shaking. And they started getting so angry. And they couldn't sit near me. So everybody's waving me and telling me that we're way too over, Barry. We need to come back and have a take two on this.

I will see you this weekend.

You bet.

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